When you create a new Device in Losant, if the name is short enough, there is a copy device_id button which is quite handy.
See highlighted section here:
However, if you have a long device name, the name gets truncated with ‘…’ which is fine, but that also seems to stop the button for ‘Copy Id’ from displaying.
I can go grab the DeviceID from the URL just above, but its just kind of a minor complaint.
It usually only happens right at Device Creation, or Clone Device, so I think its when you ‘Update’ a device to a longer name, is when the button disappears if the name gets truncated.
I just tested this as I was typing this up. If I shorten the name, and Save, the button comes back:
If I put the name back to what it needs to be, click Save Device, the button goes away again
It would be nice if the button to copy_Id just always appeared, even if the text is truncated.