I would like to concatenate two values that I’m receiving from my device, and then display it on dashboard as a string.
What is the best method to do it?
I would like to concatenate two values that I’m receiving from my device, and then display it on dashboard as a string.
What is the best method to do it?
Hi @Kelvin_Andrade,
You can easily concatenate the two values in certain dashboard blocks. Here, I have done so with two values, which are 1 and 2. If I put them next to each other in an Indicator Block, they will concatenate to “12”:
If your block does not allow for concatenation, let me know and I will make another suggestion!
Hey, thanks! It worked!
Now I have two more questions hehehe
Thanks for your help!
Hi @Kelvin_Andrade,
Yes, you can do both of those things! The condition could be set up like so, and will change colors based on if {{value-0}} equals 1:
For mathematical operations, you have access to Handlebars, but more specifically, you have access to Format Helpers which can help you do more inline operations:
Let me know if this works for you!
Sounds great Julia, it worked, thanks!
I read the Format Helpers, and saw something about arrays… It is possible to publish arrays to Losant?
And I have another question …
I would like to create an interactive dashboard in two ways:
It is possible to all of these be done?
Thanks for all your support!