Blob Size Increase Upgrade/Workaround


We are potentially interested in using Losant for a project that will require transmission of photos by our IOT devices. While the blob attribute is compatible with this data type, it also has a low limit of 256kB. Are there any opportunities for increasing this attribute size limit on an account basis or some workaround for larger photo sizes that you recommend we try?



Hi @April_Jang !

With our Gateway Edge Agent, you can create an Edge Workflow that uploads these images to a number of third-party services, such as AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, or FTP. The URL of the image could then be stored as a string attribute for use within your workflow or dashboard.

Another option would be to upload the file to Losant’s Application Files from the Gateway Edge Agent. Here’s a template that lays out that process.

Let us know if one of these options will work for your use-case. Otherwise, if you can provide more details of your project, such as the devices you are using and the objectives, we can provide more specific advice.

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