I don’t know if it’s possible, but I would like some help
I need to fetch information in a payload. but the path is inside another payload.
I know it’s confusing, I’ll try to explain it hahaha
I’m using a node loop, because I’m going to need to perform the extraction of information, but each time the loop executes it will fetch the information at a different address
another way I could use it would be something like this:
but the payload {{working.value.numero-cadastro}} does not fetch the payload value, but remains as a string
If I understand your problem correctly, while in the loop, say on the second iteration of 10, you are trying to get a value from somewhere else on the root payload based on a path provided in the current context the loop is on (in this case the second). Do I understand this correctly?
Could you explain a little about what your use case is? You mentioned “perform the extraction of information”, but could you tell me more about your end goal? I might be able to give you a better solution if I have more information.
hi @Heath
I’ll try to explain it another way, because I almost didn’t understand what I wrote, hahaha.
this problem does not only happen in the loop. (I mentioned the loop. because that’s where I would use it)
I’ll use mutate node as an example:
I need the source path to be variable, according to this path that is between the braces.