Support for Service Credentials in the "Losant API" Node


It would be nice if possible add support for using Service Credentials in the “API Token Template” field of the Losant API node, with the scope of another application.

Use Case: We have scenarios where we develop centralized modules that are shared across multiple applications, organized into a separate application. To simplify access control to these applications, we create a specific platform user as a “service user” and generate API tokens that provide controlled access to multiple applications. Currently, we store these tokens in the application’s global variables and pass them via input to the custom nodes. However, with Service Credentials, this would no longer be necessary, which would simplify both configuration and development.

Additionally, there is the benefit of increased security and efficiency by utilizing tokens in a more structured and automated way with Service Credentials.

Thanks for the details on the use case. I’ll file a feature request for this.

We’d probably end up making another Service Credential type for this use case and would add some options when creating an application API token to store it in another application for use.

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