Post Data to Google Sheets Particel

Thank you Dylan,
I will look at both options and see if I can figure it out. We do have G Suite so that may be an option. I do have a call into sales as well.

In the meantime, I will just need to keep sending my data to google sheets via webhook on particle then try and decode the JSON on Losant end to get the super pretty display. The amount of data I am saving is too large for the Losant data tables (after 30 days or so).

It’s kind of maddening as I can send my data to losant in a string and view the data perfectly, but can’t send the same string to a webhook to google sheets. But I can send a json string to google but can’t’ decode it on Losant. :joy:

I am going to eventually figure this out even if it takes me a whole bottle of Gin. :slight_smile:

I found a post here but failed to implement the JSON decoder. Something off with my Json.

Thank you for taking the time to reply.