How to select certain parts of a csv file

How can I parse just certain sections of a csv file?
The file I receive has a top section that I don’t care about (about 10 rows)
, the a second set of headers, which I do care about, and the data below in columns.


Are you looking to do this in a workflow or with notebooks? Have you tried something that hasn’t worked? Are you seeing any errors?

Will the top section always be the same number of rows? You mention certain sections of the CSV, will there be a chance that you’d only want rows X through Y?

Thank you,

A workflow.

Most likely just skip a certain number of rows, then read the rest.


You can use a function node with:

payload.newCSV = payload.oldCSV.split('\n').slice(10).join('\n')

Where .slice(10) is the number of rows you want to skip at the beginning.

Your new CSV will be on the payload as newCSV.

Thank you,

That worked great, thanks.