Edge-agent buffer location


I would like to know where the buffer from Edge-device is saved when a disconnection occurs.
I don’t know if it is saved inside the Docker or out of it (Linux system).

Thanks in advance!

Hi @Kelvin_Andrade,

I spoke with our engineers and was informed that, by default, the time series data gets stored at /data/losant-edge-agent-store.db within the Edge Agent Docker container. Should you want to change that default location, then you can use the STORE_PATH variable (more information here) to store this data in a different location within the Docker container.

If you would like to view this data outside of the Edge Docker container, then you have to mount a directory on the host system to that directory within the Docker container. If you follow the docs, we do this with -v /var/lib/losant-edge-agent/data:/data in the Docker run command. Note, however, that /data would have to be updated if you decide to put a value for the STORE_PATH variable instead of leaving it as the default.


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Hi @JuliaKempf, thanks for answering!

One more question: If I update the edge-agent, will I lose the buffer?

Thanks for your help!

Hi @Kelvin_Andrade,

If it is mounted outside of the container, you will not lose anything :smile:

Let me know if I can help further!

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Thanks for your help!

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