DataTable Advance Query Aggregation

Hi Losant Team,

It is possible to use Aggregation function like $sum,$avg,$group,$match,$first,$last, and $max in Losant DataTable advance query filter options?

Hi @Raghu_S1,

You can find the available advanced query operators within the Advanced Query documentation. However, if there are specific additional operators you would like to see on this list, please let me know!

Let me know if you have any further questions. :smile:


Hi @JuliaKempf ,

I am already read your mention of Advanced Query documentation. In this documentation don’t mention aggregation operation. Please let me know .it is possible to use aggregate functions in Datatable?

Thanks ,
Raghu S

Hi @Raghu_S1,

Aggregation queries are not supported in Data Tables; all available query operators are defined in the documentation page.

Please let me know if I can answer any further questions!
