What do you suggest I use in a workflow too convert a word to bit values?
For example 8 would be 0000 1000, and 12 would be 0000 1100, and so on?
Each bit would mean different alarms going on /off.
This is a common way to relay alarm information from PLC’s.
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At the moment, I think you would need to use a Function node, and write custom javascript to extract those values (take a look at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Bitwise_Operators). But you are right, this is not an uncommon thing to need to do, and we should add some features around this into the workflow engine!
We do this a lot.
I usually have a data table with the bits defined along with the messages. For instance converting NFPA codes on a genset.
So I use the following to unpick the bits,
payload.data.nfpa = []
function intToUint(int, nbit) {
var u = new Uint32Array(1);
nbit = +nbit || 32;
if (nbit > 32) throw new RangeError('intToUint only supports ints up to 32 bits');
u[0] = int;
if (nbit < 32) { // don't accidentally sign again
int = Math.pow(2, nbit) - 1;
return u[0] & int;
} else {
return u[0];
payload.data.state_bits = intToUint(payload.data.running_state,16).toString(2).split("").reverse().join("");
Then will loop of state_bits using each item in the loop as the key for the item in the datatable.
A simple node to at least unpick the bits would be good.
I can build this in a custom node, but would prefer to run this on the agent, and custom nodes aren’t supported on agents. yet.
I don’t need it on the agent this time, so a custom node would work.
Any features around this yet?
Hey @Lars_Andersson,
Nothing yet. But, we just enabled voting on the feature request here in the forums. You should give this a vote!