I’m attempting to mutate a string in place before saving a device state attribute.
What I’m trying to accomplish in plain english is:
If the string {{ABC}} is ’string1’ or ’ string2’, then return a ‘blank’, otherwise return the string ABC.
I’ve built a handlebar using the following statement:
{{#if ({{ABC}} === ‘(empty)’) || ({{ABC}} === ‘(scroll lock symbol)’)}}{{‘blank’}}{{else}}{{ABC}}{{/if}}
it keeps saying it’s an invalid template, and I have no doubt that’s the case but i can’t quite see my mistake. I maybe become lost in the braces or brackets somewhere 
Here’s an expression that does what you want:
{{#eq data.value 'string1'}}blank{{else}}{{#eq data.value 'string2'}}blank{{else}}{{data.value}}{{/eq}}{{/eq}}
If you were to look at that as code, it would look like this:
if(data.value === 'string1') { // {{#eq data.value 'string1'}}
return 'blank';
else { // {{else}}
if(data.value === 'string2') { // {{#eq data.value 'string2'}}
return 'blank';
else { // {{else}}
return data.value;
} // {{/eq}}
} // {{/eq}}
Sometimes the templates can get a bit complicated.
Makes sense. Just curious, what’s the difference between #if and #eq?
#if will only check an already existing boolean, it can’t be used to compare things. We added the #eq helper (and others like #gt, #lt, etc) which can be used to do inline comparisons.
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