[Solved] How to manipulate a "string array" in json payload

Good afternoon,
I am trying to do a similar thing as the above but I am getting an error on the debug. “InvalidJasonError”. Source did not contain valid JSON: container.jsonString

I am using a Particle Electron. My data is structured and published as follows.

snprintf(publishStateString, sizeof(publishStateString), "{ \"cf\":\"%.2f\", \"v\":\"%.1f\" }", flow, fuel.getSoC() );   
Particle.publish("EF", publishStateString, 60, PRIVATE, NO_ACK);

I am trying the Json decode because I can not separate the values from the names, I have tried a number of different methods but keep coming up short. Then I found this topic and it looks like my solutions. Just can’t seem to get it right. Any help would be appreciated.

Here is how the date looks on losant debug.

Losant Screen Shot with JSON decoder settings.
