Help with costing for implementation at scale


I am a coach for six 10-12 year old girls participating in a STEM program. They have come up with a project to use the moisture sensor kit. If we were to implement the moisture sensor kit on 500 devices and want to centrally manage that, what would be the estimated cost of such a solution? Also, how often would the sensors have to be changed?

Any help or guidance you can provide will be much appreciated.

The sensors typically last a long time (several years) as long as the microcontroller is kept clean and dry (it’s easy to accidentally spill water on them when watering the plant).

In terms of bulk pricing, please contact us at We can schedule a quick call to better understand your use case and provide a quote.

Hello Mr. Brandon,
Thank you for your prompt response. So if the sensor can last for several years, how does it work? Is it battery operated?

Thank you,
The Brick Girls

Ah, they are USB powered, so will need to be plugged in. The microcontroller we provide does not have battery charging circuitry on it. There are alternative microcontrollers that do, but they are slightly more expensive. The Adafruit Feather Huzzah is currently our favorite. On a reasonably sized battery, you can get a few months out of it, depending on how often you report the moisture level.